User Guide
Safety Anaysis is a tool for fault trees with fuzzy probabilities, event trees with fuzzy probabilities and fuzzy reasoning. Nowadays people develop more and more complex insustrial systems. They offer a variety of functionalities which help us to live better and easier. Many of them are systems which are crucial to people safety and they need to be extremely reliable. Because of their complexity, it is nearly impossible to analyse their safety without support of modern technologies. People are too slow and too inaccurate to do it by themself.
Safety Analysis is a tool which will be helpfull for such crucial systems. It allows you to:
- Analyse event trees
- Analyse fault trees
- Use fuzzy reasoning
These functionalities will help you to discover your system's weak points before it came to an accident and help improve your system's safety.
Accident already happened? Safety Analysis will help you to analyse what went wrong and ensure that it won't happen anymore.
Safety Analysis First Steps
This software requires Java 8 to work properly.
Usage example
Safety Analysis - CLI
- Download latest Safety Analysis CLI from here
- Prepare data you want to analise (example event tree can be downloaded from here)
- Open command prompt
- Run Safety Analysis with command: "java -jar SafetyAnalysis_CLI.jar flag file.xml parameters" with selected parameters (i.e. "java -jar SafetyAnalysis_CLI.jar -e EventTree.xml -c")
- More about using command line interface can be found here
Safety Analysis - GUI
- Download latest Safety Analysis GUI from here
- Prepare data you want to analise (example event tree can be downloaded from here)
- Run SafetyAnalysis_GUI.jar
- Select type of tree
- Get started, after that you can import example tree prepared in step 2 or create an own tree.
Using command line interface
Command Line User Guide
Safety Analysis offers command-line interface for its most basic features. If you are looking for instructions how to enter these arguments in IDE go here.
In case you dont enter any arguments, will be displayed GNU HELP with all available arguments.
The config file is a simple text file and should contain one command-line option (omitting the dashes) per line in the format:
-flag value
or for a option without value:
Example -e "tree.xml" -c
This example command imports Event Tree from XML file and checks the cohesion. Detailed information about arguments in the next section.
Short list of arguments (GNU HELP)
usage: SafetyAnalysis [-n eventname] [-p] [-a] [-r file] [-c] [-s scenario] [-e file] [-f file] [-i]
-a,--analyseFaultTree | Analyse fault tree and show results |
-c,--checkTheCohesionOfTheEventTree | Analyse The Cohesion Of The Event Tree |
-e,--eventtree <file> | Read Event Tree from file (relative path, e.g. -e "safety-gui/newXml5.xml" |
-f,--faulttree <file> | Read Fault Tree from file (relative path) |
-i,--getFuzzyImportanceIndex | Get Fuzzy Importance Index of Faut Tree |
-n,--evntnme <eventname> | Get event name |
-p,--importanceAnalise | Execute importance analisis |
-r,--report <file> | Generate report with given date, logo and title paragraph |
-s, --evtsce <scenario> | Counts probability for scenarios in Events Tree |
Detailed list of arguments
Event Tree related arguments
usage: -e PATHTOFILE [options]eventtree <file> Flag -e Parametr String: path (path to XML file to be loaded) Description Read Event Tree from file
Output: success "Read Event Tree file from: " + path + " Success" Output: fail "Read Event Tree file from: " + path + " Fail" checkTheCohesionOfTheEventTree Flag -c Parametr - Description Check The Cohesion Of The Event Tree
Output: success "Result of the analysis Events Tree: "
"Events tree is ok"
Output: fail "There is no tree that I could analyze." evtsce <scenario> Flag -s Parametr String: option (comma separated scenario indexes) Description Count probability for scenarios
Output: success "Membership Function for scenarioo: [" + option + "]"
Output: fail "There is no tree" importanceAnalise Flag -p Parametr String: name (name of event) Description Check importance analisis
Output: success "Result of the analysis Events Tree: "
If exception will be catch (during the analysis): "Events tree is not ok"
Output: fail "There is no tree that I could analyze."
Fault Tree related arguments
usage: -e PATHTOFILE [options]faulttree <file> Flag -f Parametr String: path (path to XML file to be loaded)
Description Read Fault Tree from file
Output: success "Read Fault Tree file from: " + path + " Success"
Output: fail "Read Fault Tree file from: " + path + " Fail"
Flag -a Parametr - Description Analyse fault tree and show results
Output: success "Result of the analysis Fault Tree: "
"Key: " + key + " = Value: " + value
Output: fail "There is no tree that I could analyze."
Flag -i Parametr - Description Get Fuzzy Importance Index of Faut Tree
Output: success "Key: " + key.getName() + " = Value: " + value.getName()"
Output: fail "There is no tree that I could analyze"
report <file>
Flag -r Parametr String: path (where raport will be saved)
Description Generate report with given date, logo and title paragraph
Output: success "Created file: "
Output: fail -
evntnme <eventname>
Flag -n Parametr String name
Description Get event name.
This is used when importance analysis is started (-p)
Output: success - Output: fail -
CLI Documentation
Supported data types
Safety Analysis allows you to work with two data types.
Fault Tree
What is Fault Tree Analysis?
Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) is qualitative top-down failure analysis method using decision tree structure to model course of accidents and analyze it. It is used in many high risk industries including aerospace, nuclear power and chemical industries.
Particular factors that could lead to an accident and their potential consequences are shown by Fault Tree which describes dependencies between potential main accident and its causes. Identified causes are associated and can be described (among others) as specific device or machine failures, human errors or environmental conditions. Fault Tree is therefore a graphical model of causal relationship - Fault Tree schema illustrates causes whose effects are defined as unsure events or risks.
The undesired outcome is taken as the root (or top event) of Fault Tree. Working backwards immediate event's causes and logical relationships between them are determined using logic gates. By stepping back through events the most basic causes are identified and Fault Tree is constructed.
Fault Tree Analysis helps to:
- understand logic leading to main failure
- prioritize events leading to top event by their contribution
- better manage resources
Probabilitiy of each fault is specified by membership function. Logical operators between faults produce membership functions of faults higher in hierarchy. Currently there are two logic gates available in Safety Analysis project - AND and OR gates.
The result of logic gate OR operation on faults is given by formula:
for independent faults:
In fault trees probability
is usually small and error resulting from omitting this part leads to overstating of real probability of top event which is appropriate direction. Therefore independence of faults is presumed and the following formula is in use:Membership function for fuzzy sets will be calculated as:
for trapezoidal-shaped membership function
for triangular-shaped membership function
then value of 1 will be used.The result of logic gate AND operation on faults is given by formula (independence of events presumed):
Resulting membership function will be non-trapezoidal membership function.
In Safety Analysis project resulting membership function will be approximated as:
for trapezoidal-shaped membership function
for triangular-shaped membership function
This approximation overstate real probability of fault which is appropriate direction.
Fault Tree XML Format
FaultTree Fields
root - event tree identity
faultMap - map of failures, contains at least one entry section
Root fields
triangleFunction→name - function name
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <faultTree> <root> <name>root</name> <triangleFunction> <name></name> </triangleFunction> </root> <faultMap> <entry> ... </entry> <entry> ... </entry> </faultMap> <scale/> </faultTree>
Entry and Entry → Value fields
key - entry key
value - entry value
value→name - value name
value→triangleFunction→name - function name
Parent fields
logicGateType - GATE_AND or GATE_OR
triangleFunction→name - function name
<entry> <key>fault2</key> <value> <name>fault2</name> <parent> <logicGateType>GATE_AND</logicGateType> <parent> <name>fault1</name> <parent> logicGateType>GATE_OR</logicGateType> <parent> <name>root</name> <triangleFunction> <name></name> </triangleFunction> </parent> </parent> <triangleFunction> <name></name> </triangleFunction> </parent> </parent> <triangleFunction> <name>dużo3</name> </triangleFunction> </value> </entry>
Event Tree
What is Event Tree Analysis?
Event tree analysis (ETA) is a forward, bottom up, logical modeling technique for both success and failure that explores responses through a single initiating event and lays a path for assessing probabilities of the outcomes and overall system analysis. This analysis technique is used to analyze the effects of functioning or failed systems given that an event has occurred. ETA is a powerful tool that will identify all consequences of a system that have a probability of occurring after an initiating event that can be applied to a wide range of systems including: nuclear power plants, spacecraft, and chemical plants. This Technique may be applied to a system early in the design process to identify potential issues that may arise rather than correcting the issues after they occur. With this forward logic process use of ETA as a tool in risk assessment can help to prevent negative outcomes from occurring by providing a risk assessor with the probability of occurrence. ETA uses a type of modeling technique called event tree, which branches events from one single event using Boolean logic.
The overall goal of event tree analysis is to determine the probability of possible negative outcomes that can cause harm and result from the chosen initiating event. It is necessary to use detailed information about a system to understand intermediate events, accident scenarios, and initiating events to construct the event tree diagram. The event tree begins with the initiating event where consequences of this event follow in a binary (success/failure) manner. Each event creates a path in which a series of successes or failures will occur where the overall probability of occurrence for that path can be calculated. The probabilities of failures for intermediate events can be calculated using fault tree analysis and the probability of success can be calculated from 1 = probability of success(ps) + probability of failure (pf).
Steps to perform an event tree analysis:
- Define the system
- Identify the accident scenarios
- Identify the initiating events
- Identify intermediate events
- Build the event tree diagram
- Obtain event failure probabilities
- Identify the outcome risk
- Evaluate the outcome risk
- Recommend corrective action
- Document the ETA
What is Event Tree?
Event tree is an inductive analytical diagram in which an event is analyzed using Boolean logic to examine a chronological series of subsequent events or consequences. For example, event tree analysis is a major component of nuclear reactor safety engineering.
An event tree displays sequence progression, sequence end states and sequence-specific dependencies across time.
Event Tree XML Format
Event Tree Initial Branch
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <eventTree xmlns:ns2=""> <id>1</id> <InitialBranch> <branch>true</branch> <child> ... </child> <child> ... </child> <event> ... </event> <id>7</id> <type>true</type> </InitialBranch> </eventTree>
<id> - identifer of Event Tree
<type> - If the event happen (true or false)
<child> - occurs only when branch has a child (child has identical structure as Initial Branch)
<event> - stores information event like : scale, parametrs
Event Tree with Child
<event> <trapezoid> <name>nn</name> <parameters> <scale>LINEAR</scale> <a>0.5</a> <b>0.5</b> <c>0.5</c> <d>0.5</d> </parameters> </trapezoid> <child> <trapezoid> <name>nn</name> <parameters> <scale>LINEAR</scale> <a>0.5</a> <b>0.5</b> <c>0.5</c> <d>0.5</d> </parameters> </trapezoid> <id>5</id> <name>e6</name> </child> <id>4</id> <name>e5</name> </event>
Event Tree without Child
<event> <trapezoid> <name>nn</name> <parameters> <scale>LINEAR</scale> <a>0.5</a> <b>0.5</b> <c>0.5</c> <d>0.5</d> </parameters> </trapezoid> <id>5</id> <name>e3</name> </event>