Use case description: "transferring XML Event Tree representation with the Internet"
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Transfer the tree with a web application and then store tree values in a database.
Initial conditions
Have an Event Tree in XML format to use with the application.
Final conditions
Successful tree transfer to a database.
- Client application communicates with a REST server using POST method.
- Correct function is called which enables to switch to business logic layer. In this layer XML validation is conducted.
- New Data Model class object is being created.
- Proper Java Bean object is being used from business objects repository.
- Data Model object is being saved.
- In the next step, object saving status is being returned to REST server.
- Server returns appropriate status code to inform about operation success (200).
Alternative course
- XML validation failed, business logic layer generates exception.
- REST service returns appropriate status code to inform about operation failure (400).
Figure 1. Class diagram.
Figure 2. Class diagram.
Figure 3. Sequence diagram.
Figure 4. Sequence diagram.