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To ensure reliability and stability of Safety Analysis a variety of tests are performed. We are using JUnit, Pi-test and other Java extensons connected with tests. Actually we started to introduce Cucumber as a new tool for acceptable acceptance tests.

During execution of all tests bugs and issues are found. Analysis of tests results is available here.

Acceptance tests

Software testing method conducted to determine if the requirements of a specification or contract are met. It may involve User Acceptance Testing (UAT), Operational Acceptance Testing (OAT), Acceptance testing in extreme programming, alpha and beta testing. You write acceptance tests to check if your code is passing the requirements of project. You should run these tests in integration-test phase.Naming param is *classNameprefix*


Component tests

Software Component testing method by which individual units of source code, sets of one or more computer program modules together with associated control is a method where testing of each component in an application is done separately. Suppose, in an application there are 5 components. Testing of each 5 components separately and efficiently is called as component testing. It finds the defects in the module and verifies the functioning of software. Component tests use spring context or in memory database. Naming param is *className*

Unit tests

Software testing method by which individual units of source code, sets of one or more computer program modules together with associated control data, usage procedures, and operating procedures, are tested to determine whether they are fit for use.Unit testing is commonly automated, but may still be performed manually. The objective in unit testing is to isolate a unit and validate its correctness. You should write JUnit to check every function that you use in your code. JUnit must be fast, it should be matters of seconds to run that test. JUnit should test only define unit of system. Naming param is *className*

Command Line Use Case Tests Specification

This page contains documentation for CLI Use Case Tests in order of appearance in code.

in progress
TestParser test - unrecognized argument
DescriptionThis test checks GNU Parser for use of unrecognized argument.
ConditionsArgument must be one of given in tables above.
Test procedure
      1. Pass the argument to CLI "-l"
      2. Compare result with expected result
Expected resultsOutput string: "Encountered exception while parsing using GnuParser:\nUnrecognized option: -l"

TestAnalyze Fault Tree - no tree loaded
DescriptionThis test checks correctness of Fault Tree Analysis.
ConditionsNo tree loaded.
Test procedure
      1. Pass the argument to CLI "-a"
      2. Call the method
      3. Compare result with expected result
Expected resultsOutput string: "There is no tree that I could analyze."

TestCheck the Cohesion of Event Tree - no tree loaded
DescriptionThis test checks cohesion of Event Tree.
ConditionsNo tree loaded.
Test procedure
      1. Pass the argument to CLI "-c"
      2. Call the method
      3. Compare result with expected result
Expected resultsOutput string: "There is no tree that I could analyze."

TestGet Fuzzy Importance Index of Fault Tree - no tree loaded
DescriptionThis test gets fuzzy importance index of fault tree.
ConditionsNo tree loaded.
Test procedure
      1. Pass the argument to CLI "-i"
      2. Call the method
      3. Compare result with expected result
Expected resultsOutput string: "There is no tree that I could analyze."

TestLoad Event Tree - wrong tree
DescriptionThis test checks Event Tree loading from file.
Test procedure
      1. Pass the argument to CLI "-e wrong.xml"
      2. Call the method
      3. Compare result with expected result
Expected resultsOutput string: "\nRead Event Tree file from: wrong.xml Fail"

TestLoad Fault Tree - wrong tree
DescriptionThis test checks Fault Tree loading from file.
Test procedure
      1. Pass the argument to CLI "-f wrong.xml"
      2. Call the method
      3. Compare result with expected result
Expected resultsOutput string: "\nRead Fault Tree file from: wrong.xml Fail"

TestLoad Event Tree - correct tree
DescriptionThis test checks Event Tree loading from file.
Test procedure
      1. Pass the argument to CLI "-e treeXmltest2.xml"
      2. Call the method
      3. Compare result with expected result
Expected resultsOutput string: "\nRead Event Tree file from: treeXmltest2.xml Success"

TestCheck Cohesion of Event Tree
DescriptionThis test checks cohesion of Event Tree.
ConditionsSucesfully load Event Tree from file.
Test procedure
      1. Pass the argument to CLI "-e treeXmltest2.xml -c"
      2. Call the method
      3. Compare result with expected result
Expected resultsOutput string: "\nRead Event Tree file from: treeXmltest2.xml Success\n"Result of the analysis Events Tree: \nEvents tree is ok"

TestCheck Report generation
DescriptionThis test checks report generation.
Test procedure
      1. Pass the argument to CLI "-r Report.odt"
      2. Call the method
      3. Compare result with expected result
Expected resultsOutput string: "\nCreated file: Report.odt"

TestLoad Fault Tree - correct tree
DescriptionThis test checks Fault Tree loading from file.
Test procedure
      1. Pass the argument to CLI "-f exampleFaultTree.xml"
      2. Call the method
      3. Compare result with expected result
Expected resultsOutput string: "\nRead Fault Tree file from: exampleFaultTree.xml Success"

TestGet Fuzzy Importance Index of Fault Tree
DescriptionThis test gets fuzzy importance index of fault tree.
ConditionsSucesfully loaded Fault Tree.
Test procedure
      1. Pass the argument to CLI "-f exampleFaultTree.xml -i"
      2. Call the method
      3. Compare result with expected result
Expected resultsOutput string: "\nRead Fault Tree file from: exampleFaultTree.xml Success\nResult of the analysis Fault Tree: \nKey: root = Value: "

Note: Our project configuration for cucumber tests for now is in /SA-99/Pluskota branch, but it should be merged in the feature.


Cucumber is a tool that we used


Cucumber is a tool that we use for write acceptable tests. It runs automated acceptance tests written in a behaviorbehaviour-driven development (BDD) style. Cucumber defines application behavior behaviour using simple English text, defined by a language called Gherkin, which make tests easy to read and understood understand for peoples people that doesndon't have much experience with programming. Another advantage of this tests environment is, that it automatically generate generates report for the conducted test, which might help with analyzing analysing tests results.

More informations about Cucumber are available in documentation.

Testing with cucumber

Note: Project Our project is already prepared to work with Cucumber, so you don't have to re-configure this your environment.

To make a executable test you have to prepare Feature,Steps Definition and Run Runnerfiles.

In our project Feature file should be located in safetyanalysis/moduleName/src/test/resources/cucumber/FileName.feature, Step Definition file in safetyanalysis/moduleName/src/test/java/steps/ and Run Runner file in safetyanalysis/moduleName/src/test/java/

Feature files

Feature file include whole includes test scenario description written in gherkin Gherkin language. Using basic English language we can describe every single step a description of every single step of our test. It 's include includes feature which is tested, concrete scenarios for this features and test steps.

Example of feature file (source):

Code Block
titleExample code for feature
Feature: Withdraw Money from ATM

    A user with an account at a bank would like to withdraw money from an ATM.
    Provided he has a valid account and debit or credit card, he should be allowed to make the transaction. The ATM will tend the requested amount of money, return his card, and subtract amount of the withdrawal from the user's account.

    Scenario: First scenario title
        Given preconditions
        When actions
        Then results

    Scenario: Second scenario title

As you can see in this example, in first line is written tested feature after Feature: keyword. Under feature name we can write A feature file consists of 2 main parts:

  • Feature - Feature contains detailed description of tested feature
, where we can write how the whole situation looks like etc
  • and test reason. This
  • part is not required, but
might help later with test analyzing. In 6th line we have name of first scenario after Scenario: keyword. Each scenario
  • it makes our test more understandable and helps to analyse test result.
  • Scenario - Each scenario consist of steps, which have to be passed to finish test
  • with success.

Every step have has to start in new line with one of the keywords:

    • Given - It describes the pre-requisite for the test to be executed. Example - GIVEN I am a Facebook user.

    • When - It defines the trigger point for any test scenario execution. Example − WHEN I enter "<username>".

    • Then - Then It holds the expected result for the test to be executed. Example − THEN login should be successful.

    • And - It provides the logical AND condition between any two statements. AND can be used in conjunction with GIVEN, WHEN and THEN statement. Example − WHEN I enter my "<username>" AND I enter my "<password>".

    • But - It signifies logical OR condition between any two statements. OR can be used in conjunction with GIVEN, WHEN and THEN statement. Example − THEN login should be successful. BUT home page should not be missing.

Using those keywords you can create any test what you want.

Step definitions file


Run file

In Run file you have to set all options about tests, like which features are tested or where steps are located. There's few more options to configure but they are optional, the main thing of this file is that he making our test code working.
Example code for running tests:
Code Block
titleExample code for Run
import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;
import cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

        format = { "pretty", "html:target/cucumber" },
        glue = "",
        features = "classpath:cucumber/EventTree.feature"
public class EventTreeAcceptanceTest {

 It is a file which contains steps definitions. Without him, steps defined in Feature file are just simple words. It contains source code which should be done within a test step. Parameters defined in feature files are passed to step definitions with regular expressions. To make them work correctly, you should configure methods for each step defined in Feature file. Each step is preceded by an annotation connected to step keywords defined in feature file (e.g. @Then )

Here's example code for step descriptions (first part is Feature code, second is step definitions) (source): 

Code Block
titleExample - Part of Feature file
/*------------------------------- Feature file ----------------------------*/
Feature: F1
	Scenario: S1
		Given first value 2
		Given second value 3
		When first value is 2
		And second value is 3
		Then multiplication result is 6

Code Block
titleExample - Part of Step definition file
/*-------------------------- Step definitions file ------------------------*/
/*packages and imports*/

public class MathMull {

    public void beforeScenario() {
        math = new MathMull;

    public void afterScenario() {

    @Given("^first value (-?\\d)$")
    public void setFirstValue(int var) throws Throwable {
        var1 = var;

    @Given("^second value (-?\\d)$")
    public void setSecondValue(int var) throws Throwable {
        var2 = var;

    @When("^first value is (-?\\d)$")
    public void compareFirst(int var) throws Throwable {
        var1 == var;

    @And("^second value is (-?\\d)$")
    public void compareSecond(int var) throws Throwable {
        var2 == var;

	@Then("^multiplication result is (-?\\d)$")
	public void compareMultiplication(int var) throws Throwable {
    	var1*var2 == var;

In this example you can see, how every steps from Feature file (upper part) have to be written in Step definition file (lower part). Even if you make the same method, but written with different words you will have to add another definition to step definition file. This is very important, because every missed step definition make that your test does not be complete, and in consequence it will not end with success.

Another thing is, that in Step definition file, there are two steps that are not in Feature file, @Before and @After. Both are used to do things before and after tests. It might be helpful, if we have for example to create class which is require to tests.

You can see below more concrete example: 

Code Block
titleExample code for Step description
/*here are packages and imports*/

public class EventTreeAcceptanceTestSteps {

    private EventTree tree;
    private BufferedReader br;
    private String filepath;
    private EventTree newTree;

    public void beforeScenario() {
        tree = new EventTree();

    public void afterScenario() {

    @Given("^I have an event tree$")
    public void iHaveAnEventTree() throws Throwable {

    @When("^I set its ID to (-?\\d)$")
    public void iSetItsIDTo(int ID) throws Throwable {

	@Then("^The event tree should be defined with string \"([^\"]*)\"$")
	public void theEventTreeShouldBeDefinedWithString(String eventTreeString) throws Throwable {
    	assertEquals(eventTreeString, tree.toString());

	@When("^I add an init event$")
	public void iAddAnInitEvent() throws Throwable {
   	Event e1 = new Event();

Runner file

In Runner file you have to set all options about tests, like which features are tested or where steps are located. There's few more options to configure but they are optional, the main thing of this file is that he making our test code working.

Required options are:

  • format - It describes how cucumber will format test case output and if it create reports.
  • glue - It contains path to package containing Step definition files
  • features - It contains path to feature file.

Example code for running tests:

Code Block
titleExample code for Run
import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;
import cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

        format = { "pretty", "html:target/cucumber" },
        glue = "",
        features = "classpath:cucumber/EventTree.feature"
public class EventTreeAcceptanceTest {

To run our test all we have to do is just run our test

If everything was configured correct, we should got message about completed tests.

After completed tests Cucumber automatically generate report file, where you can check what was tested, or if something went wrong where was the problem. Report file is generated as file safetyanalysis/moduleName/target/cucumber/index.html.

Scenario outline - alternative scenario type

In some situations, when we want to test for example results of some mathematic function making the same scenario with different values doesn't make sense. Alternatively you can use Scenario outline in place of normal Scenario to test multiple values at the same scenario. All what you have to do is write tests where instead static values you have to write <variableName>. Later, after describing scenario all you have to do is make after Examples: keyword table, with values for each variant of this scenario. Here you have example of code which use this feature (source):

Code Block
titleExample code for feature
Feature: (...)

Scenario Outline: A user withdraws money from an ATM
    Given <Name> has a valid Credit or Debit card
    And their account balance is <OriginalBalance>
    When they insert their card
    And withdraw <WithdrawalAmount>
    Then the ATM should return <WithdrawalAmount>
    And their account balance is <NewBalance>

      | Name   | OriginalBalance | WithdrawalAmount | NewBalance |
      | Eric   | 100             | 45               | 55         |
      | Pranav | 100             | 40               | 60         |
      | Ed     | 1000            | 200              | 800        |

Example test

Here you can see example test of events tree class. As a scenario in events tree we'll test, does our events tree will create, modify, save and load correctly. Below is code for all three files, which allow to run correctly this test.

Feature file

File located in safetyanalysis/safety-eventstree/src/test/resources/cucumber/EventTree.feature

Code Block
titleExample - Feature
Feature: EventTree
  	As a user
    I want to create an event tree with three events and save it to xml file
  So that I don't need to create it once again
     Scenario: Create an Event Tree, set its description, add three events and save it to XML file
    	Given I have an event tree
    	When I set its description to "Drzewo zdarzen"
    	Then Its description should be "Drzewo zdarzen"
   		WhenAnd I set its ID to 5
    	And I add an init event
    	Then The event tree should be defined with string "(5,1,1|0:0)" to 5
    	WhenAnd I add aan secondinit event
to  tree  And I add 	Thena Thesecond event to tree
should be defined with string "(5,2,3|0:0|1:1,2)"
    	When  And I add a third event to tree
    	Then The event tree should be defined with string "(5,3,7|0:0|1:1,2|2:3,4,5,6),4,5,6)"
    And Its description should be "Drzewo zdarzen"
    	When I save my event tree to XML file called "eventTree.xml"
    	Then XML file should be available
    	When I load stored xml file
    	Then File should not be empty
    	And XML file should contain my event tree
    When I load an event tree from stored xml file
    Then A new event tree should be created
    And New events tree description should be "Drzewo zdarzen"
  	When I loadAnd anNew event tree should frombe storeddefined xmlwith file
string "(5,3,7|0:0|1:1,2|2:3,4,5,6)"
   	Then ABut newNew event tree should not be createddefined with    	And New events tree description should be "Drzewo zdarzen"
    	And New event tree should be defined with string "(5,3,7|0:0|1:1,2|2:3,4,5,6)"
    	But New event tree should not be defined with string "(5,2,3|0:0|1:1,2)"

Step Definition file

File located in safetyanalysis/safety-eventstree/src/test/java/steps/

Code Block
titleExample - Steps definition

import /*(...)*/string "(5,2,3|0:0|1:1,2)"

Step Definition file

File located in safetyanalysis/safety-eventstree/src/test/java/steps/

Code Block
titleExample - Steps definition

import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPath;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpression;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;

 * Created by Patryk on 11.05.2017.
public class EventTreeAcceptanceTestStepsEventTreeATSteps {

    private EventTree tree;
    private BufferedReader brbufferedReader;
    private String filepath;
    private EventTree newTree;

    public void beforeScenario() {
        tree = new EventTree();

    public void afterScenario() {

    @Given("^I have an event tree$")
    public void iHaveAnEventTree() throws ThrowableException {

    @When("^I set its ID to (-?\\d)$")
    public void iSetItsIDTo(int ID) throws ThrowableException {

    @Then("^The event tree should be defined with string \"([^\"]*)\"$")
    public void theEventTreeShouldBeDefinedWithString(String eventTreeString) throws ThrowableException {
        assertEquals(eventTreeString, tree.toString());

    @When@And("^I add an init event$")
    public void iAddAnInitEvent() throws Throwable {
        Event e1 = new Event();Exception {
        tree.addInitEvent(e1new Event());

    @When@And("^I set its description to \"([^\"]*)\"$")
    public void iSetItsDescriptionTo(String description) throws ThrowableException {

    @Then@And("^Its description should be \"([^\"]*)\"$")
    public void itsDescriptionShouldBe(String description) throws ThrowableException {
        assertEquals(description, tree.getDescription());

    @When@And("^I add a second event to tree$")
    public void iAddASecondEventToTree() throws ThrowableException {
        Event e2 = tree.addEvent(new Event();

    @When@And("^I add a third event to tree$")
    public void iAddAThirdEventToTree() throws ThrowableException {
        Event e3 = tree.addEvent(new Event();

    @When ("^I save my event tree to XML file called \"([^\"]*)\"$")
    public void iSaveMyEventTreeToXMLFileCalled(String filename) throws ThrowableException {
        EventTree.saveTreeToXML(filename, tree);
        filepath = filename;

    @Then("^A new event tree should be created$")
    public void aNewEventTreeShouldBeCreated() throws ThrowableException {

    @Then("^XML file should be available$")
    public void xmlFileShouldBeAvailable() throws ThrowableException {
        File createdfile = assertTrue(new File(filepath);

    @When("^I load stored xml file$")
    public void iLoadStoredXmlFile() throws ThrowableException {
        brbufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filepath));

    @Then("^File should not be empty$")
    public void fileShouldNotBeEmpty() throws ThrowableException {

    @And("^XML file should contain my event tree$")
    public void xmlFileShouldContainMyEventTree() throws ThrowableException {
        DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
        Document doc = factory.newDocumentBuilder().parse(new File(filepath));

        XPathFactory xFactory = XPathFactory.newInstance();
        XPath xpath = xFactory.newXPath();
        XPathExpression expr = xpath.compile("//eventTree//description[contains(.,'Drzewo zdarzen')]");
        Object result = expr.evaluate(doc,XPathConstants.NODESET);
        NodeList nodes = (NodeList)result;
        assertTrue(nodes.getLength() > 0);

    @When("^I load an event tree from stored xml file$")
    public void iLoadAnEventTreeFromStoredXmlFile() throws ThrowableException {
        newTree = EventTree.loadFromXML(filepath);

    @And("^New events tree description should be \"([^\"]*)\"$")
    public void newEventsTreeDescriptionShouldBe(String description) throws ThrowableException {
        assertEquals(description, newTree.getDescription());

    @And("^New event tree should be defined with string \"([^\"]*)\"$")
    public void newEventTreeShouldBeDefinedWithString(String eventTreeString) throws ThrowableException {
        assertEquals(eventTreeString, newTree.toString());

    @But("^New event tree should not be defined with string \"([^\"]*)\"$")
    public void newEventTreeShouldNotBeDefinedWithString(String eventTreeString) throws ThrowableException {


Runner file

File located in safetyanalysis/safety-eventstree/src/test/java/

Code Block
titleExample - Run
import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;
import cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

 * Created by Patryk on 11.05.2017.

        monochrome = true,
        format = { "pretty", "html:target/cucumber" },
        glue = "",
        features = "classpath:cucumber/EventTree.feature"
public class EventTreeAcceptanceTestEventTreeAT {

Test Results

 After run our test we can see in console that it was finished:
Image Added 

Below we can see automatically generated report with results of this test. As we can see, everything have is green color-coloured, which means that test was completed successfully. In other case, red color colour will fill all steps that wasn't passed.
This report is located in  safetyanalysis/safety-eventstree/target/cucumber/index.html

Image RemovedImage Added